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CBT Therapy

CBT, or Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, is a talking therapy used to help treat a wide range of emotional and physical health conditions in adults, young people and children. CBT looks at how we think about a situation and how this affects the way we act. In turn, our actions can affect how we think and feel. The way our body feels is linked to our emotions and our thoughts.


The therapist and client work together in noticing whether any thoughts or behaviours are unhelpful for the client and think about whether these could be changed.


CBT is an evidence-based approach which is effective for a number of problems, such as anxiety and is recommended by the NICE guidelines. (NICE refers to the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, which is an evidence-based guidance for the NHS on the most effective ways to treat disease and ill health).


 NICE recommends CBT in the treatment of the following conditions:

  • anxiety disorders

  • panic attacks

  • post-traumatic stress disorder

  • depression

  • obsessive compulsive disorder

  • schizophrenia and psychosis

  • bipolar disorder


It can also be helpful treating a number of other conditions, including:

  • chronic pain

  • physical symptoms without a medical diagnosis

  • sleep difficulties

  • anger

  • low self esteem


I draw on a range of psychological approaches in my CBT work, using a combination of mindfulness and third wave CBT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy & Compassion Focused Therapy). I work with a range of ages, mostly adolescents, young people and adults.


Mindfulness Based CBT combines cognitive behavioural techniques with mindfulness practices and attitudes based on the cultivation of mindfulness. The intention of this approach is to change our relationship to our experience and make space for what is there, as opposed to replacing the unwanted experience or acting out of some sort of aversion.  It has been used in conjunction with Cognitive Therapy to help treat a variety of difficulties such as depression and anxiety.

'Go inside the sweetness of life, catch the places where you genuinely were moved by or connected with life, and you'll find in there kind of a light that can direct you when the cacophony gets very noisy and you get confused and lost, that can direct you towards what you care about.'


Steven Hayes  (founder of the ACT model).

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (also known as ACT) is an evidence-based psychological intervention that uses acceptance and mindfulness strategies alongside commitment and behavioural change strategies, to increase psychological flexibility. Psychological flexibility is the primary aim of ACT and refers to the ability to be in the present moment, with full awareness and openness to our experience and take action guided by our values. This flexibility helps us create a rich, full and meaningful life, while accepting the pain and stress life can bring.

Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) integrates techniques from cognitive behavioural therapy with concepts from evolutionary psychology, social psychology, developmental psychology, Buddhist psychology, attachment and affective neuroscience. CFT focuses on helping clients relate to difficulties in compassionate ways and on giving them effective methods for working with challenging emotions and situations. It was initially developed to use with clients with chronic shame and self-criticism and is now applied to a growing list of problems such as; depression, trauma, personality disorders, psychosis, social anxiety and eating disorders.

'Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.' 

C.G. Jung

'When they get out of balance, and our inner selves become involved in intense conflict, then people can begin to experience mental-health problems.'

Paul Gilbert (founder of Compassion Focused Therapy).  

Fees and Appointments

The number of CBT sessions depends upon the nature and depth of the difficulties, with some people needing only a few, whilst others may require more. This will be discussed after the Initial Assessment.


Please contact me directly to make an appointment.



Private Healthcare

I am a recognised CBT therapist with a number of private healthcare providers. Please contact your healthcare provider in the first instance for an authorisation number.




CBT is available online and in person at my therapy practice near Stroud.


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